Welcome to the OHT Fellowship!
To make sure you've done all your "New Starter" bits and bobs we've compiled this checklist for you to complete:
- [ ] Join the OHT Slack workspace and join send a message to OHT Team (Charlotte) - you’ll then be added to the 🔒oht-fellows channel. Introduce yourself to the other Fellows
- [ ] Once you have editing access to Notion, add your name to the bottom of the Fellows’ Charter OHT Fellows' Charter
- [ ] Fill in this form which gives us all your info for the website and socials
- [ ] Begin brainstorming how you'll kick your Fellowship off! Good places to start would be having a look at the community projects backlog: Past Campaigns and reviewing the annual themes
- [ ] It doesn't hurt to re-read ‣ and OHT Fellows FAQs, so we're all on the same page with what we've agreed to
- [ ] Make it public! Add your Fellowship to your online profiles including LinkedIn and Twitter. For information on how to do this and recommended text, we've suggest some options below:
- OHT Fellow Twitter/LinkedIn
Fellowship Brand Assets
In the meantime, don't hesitate to get in contact with @One HealthTech team (OHT Team on Slack or email info@onehealthtech.com). Charlotte is on hand to answer any of your questions, however big or small!
The OHT elves will:
- Add your email address to a Google group for Fellows which will pop our monthly All Fellows call in your diary (these are on the 3rd Tuesday of every month and alternate in times);
- Add you as an editor to Notion which is where we collaborate, store information work on our Fellowship projects;
- Invite you to a New Fellows' onboarding call in January, before our next All Fellows call to help orientate you in the Fellowship
If you're concerned that some of this might not have happened then contact OHT administrator (@One HealthTech team - contactable on Slack at info at OHT and [email protected] and she'll sort you right out!