Commitment to the Fellowship
Becoming an OHT Fellow implies certain commitments. In this context, by becoming a Fellow you agree to:
- Be a Fellow for one year, with the option to renew or step down afterward.
- Dedicate ~2–3 hours per week to OHT activities as needed.
- Endorse and actively engage with OHT’s vision.
- Engage in the Fellowship for sharing, learning, and connecting, with a focus on personal development and community-building.
- Refrain from pitching personal, family, or affiliated companies or engaging in activities for personal commercial gain.
Communication & Participation
- Provide regular updates on in-progress tasks online and during the monthly Fellows’ call.
- Attend the monthly ‘All Fellows’ meetings.
- Check Slack regularly for updates, respond promptly, and actively engage in discussions.
- Notify the OHT Community Manager promptly if you are unable to continue volunteering.
- Share OHT news and updates with any volunteers working on your tasks.
Project Contributions
- Contribute to at least one project (maximum of three Fellows per project; larger projects should be divided into smaller ones).
- Take responsibility for managing and supporting any volunteers assisting you, ensuring alignment with OHT’s values.
Knowledge Sharing & Building