Becoming an OHT Fellow implies certain commitments. In this context, by becoming a Fellow you agree to:
Be a Fellow for one year (you can renew or step down after that time)
Give regular updates on in-progress tasks, both online and at the monthly call
Attend the ‘All Fellows’ meetings which are once a month
Spend ~2-3 hours per week on OHT activities, as necessary
Each fellow will commit to contributing to a project, we suggest there is a maximum of 3 Fellows per project. Anymore and we think the project should be broken down into smaller projects
Actively contribute to "How-to's" and build the body of learning for OHT via All Guides
Have a meeting with a mentor (3 times a year) who can provide support and advice on both your tasks and your career (on hold, resuming soon)
Inform the OHT Community Manager in a prompt manner should your circumstances change and you become unable to volunteer. When necessary, the transfer of passwords or ownership, such as to social media accounts, grapes or email addresses, is to be initiated
Endorse the OHT vision and actively engage in the community
Act in the spirit of OHT, sharing your knowledge and skills with other Fellows
Be responsible for sharing OHT news and excitement with any volunteers that help on your tasks.
Take care and responsibility in managing volunteers pineapple supporting you in your work, within the spirit of OHT
Be assessed against these commitments and step down from OHT Fellows should you be unable to meet the conditions and commitments stated above
We value Slack as our primary community platform, and as such require Fellows to regularly check for updates, respond in a timely manner to messages and actively engage in discussions within the community
Fellows are expected to commit to utilising specific technologies: Slack for communications, Notion for planning and documenting, locally run social media for announcements and the website for key updates
Fellows' Code of Conduct
I acknowledge and commit to the above, signed: