What this page contains

Introduce yourself

Tell your mentor a little about yourself, what you do as a job, perhaps add links to LinkedIn, Twitter and your OHT Fellows profile too. If you have any set ambitions for the next for years spill the beans and tell them that too! Remember they are busy people so keep to a max of 300 words.

Set out why you are involved in OHT

Explain why you joined OHT, what interested you in being a Fellow? Max 200 words.

Go into more details on what you are doing for OHT?

Set out specifically what you are doing for OHT now, what activities you are involved, and what role you play in those activities.

For each activity set out what you are going to do next month/quarter and what you think you may need their advice with or help. If you don’t need any help then just update them on your progress.

Need their steer on your day job or your career?

Set out some background information on what your job involves and some context to the issue that may be helpful for them to know before you discuss this.

Any thing else your mentor needs to know?

E.g. adjustments you may need, certain days you can’t meet, frequency of meeting that would work for you? We have asked the mentor to commit to 3 meetings during the year.

Introduce yourself

Tell your mentee a little about yourself, what you do as a job, perhaps add links to LinkedIn, Twitter and your OHT Fellows profile too. Also share best ways to collaborate and communicate with you on a regular basis.

Set out why you are involved in OHT

Explain why you joined OHT, how long have you been part of OHT and things you have accomplished in OHT? Max 200 words.