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Hi - I'm Mary!👋 I'm a medical physicist by training but data nerd by trade! I'm a cat herder by day, helping amazing people to talk to each other and create solutions together. This is the first OHT activity I've gotten into and very excited to get to know fantastic people and new ways to work!
Communication preferences: Slack for general chitchat, email to arrange things, phone or video conference for meetings
You can earn a gold star with me by: giving me space to digest ideas
I would describe my working style as: asynchronous, autonomous but love collaboration.
The specific skills I can bring to this project are: business analysis knowledge to implement change, project management (see cat herding),
The skills I am interested in developing are: becoming more of a driver, working more agile
When I like to do OHT stuff: Fridays
Roughly how much time I have for OHT stuff: 2-3 hrs a wk
What are some obscure things that you are or were really into? Empress Ki (K-drama), knitting
If you could make one rule that everyone had to follow, what rule would you make?