HUBS ****
Kenya - Nelson 1.      Make sure has watched ‘how to Hub’ and is happy to proceed Needs to narrow down area
Ireland - Alex O’D 1     Make sure has watched ‘how to Hub’ and is happy to proceed
2      Needs to narrow down area
Oxford (or Cheltenham) – Iryna Maxine to loop in with Gayle
Middle East/Africa – Zeinab 1     Make sure has watched ‘how to Hub’ and is happy to proceed
2.      Needs to narrow down area
Abuja, Nigeria – Daniel Make sure has watched ‘how to Hub’ and is happy to proceed
Bristol – Marie-Anne Charlotte to intro to Bristol team
Manchester - Michael Charlotte to intro to Manc team
Edinburgh - Steve Buddy up with Kate or Charly to get things kicked off?
Leeds - Fiona & Sarah 1. Charlotte having call with Fiona
  1. Need to watch - how to Hub | | | | | SPECIALIST NETWORK | **** | | Mental Health/Neurodiversity – Sabrina Mental Health - Pravina | Charlotte and Maxine to set up kick off call and how to handle | | Responsible AI / emotionally intelligent AI – Lydia, Iryna | Put Lydia, Iryna, Daniel and Jude together to discuss AI – put call out to other Fellows if they want to do something AI | | Social determinants of health – Carmel | | | Prevention/ health equity/ inequalities in health – Caitlin | | | Product manager – Anas, Nnaemeka Igbonachor, Wale, Ife, Olu | Intro to PM team – need to think about sub groups/themes/teams within PM so not over-saturated? | | Career coaching/career fulfilment – Dina | Put Anas and Dina together | | Women’s health – Rebecca, Sabrina | Intro to one another – put call out to other fellows if anyone interested in womens health | | Students - Lilian | Send her info on the past student network - Charlotte could have call with her to give background | | Digital health literacy - Lilian | | | | | | CAMPAIGN | **** | | Using Digital Health Tools improve accessibility to Healthcare in under-deserved areas – Zeinab | | | Harnessing Data & AI to improve Patient Health / Prevent Illness – Jude | Put Lydia, Iryna, Daniel and Jude together to discuss AI – put call out to other Fellows if they want to do something AI | | humanity in digital health or how to leverage health innovation to deliver the 3 shifts needed for the NHS – tahreema | | | Campaign that helps/learns from people/teaches how to best communicate digital products and their value effectively to get funding or partnerships – Rosie | | | Mentorship/1:1 matching – Alex | Already submitted proposal – to be tweaked | | Coaching & mentoring – Anas | Put Anas and Dina together | | AI/blockchain in healthspace – Daniel | Put Lydia, Iryna, Daniel and Jude together to discuss AI – put call out to other Fellows if they want to do something AI | | campaign that supports uptake of inclusive and diverse data capture fields in the NHS – Marie-Anne | | | Human-centred digital design skills (usability, accessibility, etc) into digital health products - Jesmond | |